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Crysis (2007)

Shooter First-Person | PC

Game Info


Crysis is a first-person shooter video game developed by Crytek and published by Electronic Arts. It is the first game in the Crysis series. It is 2020, and global tensions have reached boiling point as the U.S. and North Korea square off in the South China Sea. At stake a mysterious artifact uncovered by a team of U.S. archeologists. The North Korean government quickly seizes the area, prompting the U.S. to dispatch an elite team of Delta Force operatives on a rescue mission. During the siege the true nature of the artifact quickly emerges, pointing to the existence of an alien presence on Earth, and ultimately the trigger for a massive-scale alien invasion. The battle to save Earth begins as the aliens flash freeze the tropics into a ghostly white frozen landscape.


Trailers & Videos

Crysis Trailer

Shooter First-Person

Reviews ( 1 )



7 Months ago

As an action game, Crysis could be the best first-person shooter ever, blending over-the-top gunning and dazzling pyrotechnics with enough freedom to make you feel like the cunning badass you always wanted to be. It's an immensely satisfying, richly detailed experience.

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