Games List

Half-Life 2 Lost Coast (2005)

Shooter First-Person | PC

Game Info


Half-Life 2 Lost Coast is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by Valve Corporation. The levels starts when Gordon Freeman wakes up after falling down. He is greeted by a man referenced as The Fisherman on a dock. He opens a gate and tells Gordon the St. Olga church has been taken over by the Combine. They use it as an outpost to launch headcrab rockets onto a nearby town. Your task is to infiltrate the church, take out the launcher, and dispose of all resistance.


Trailers & Videos

Half-Life 2 Lost Coast Trailer

Shooter First-Person

Reviews ( 1 )



6 Months ago

Half-Life 2 Lost Coast is a technological demo which showed fans Source engine's possibilities and potential. Graphics is even more polished and its a great extra episode, it's short but a lot of fun, it's my recommendation for anyone who's played the other Half-Life games and wants something more.

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