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Mirror's Edge Catalyst (2016)

Action First-Person Adventure | PC

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Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a first-person action-adventure platformer video game developed by EA DICE and published by Electronic Arts. Through Mirror’s Edge Catalyst, experience the emergence of Faith, a brave Runner who uncovers a hidden truth inside the walls of the city of Glass. Through her journey, Faith explores every corner of the city, from the highest, most pristine skyscrapers, to the dark and dingy tunnels that underlie the city. Players must master the environment, using their momentum and timing their combat to fight the oppressiveness of the ruling elite, uncovering the dark secrets behind the city’s beautiful facade.


Trailers & Videos

Mirror's Edge Catalyst Launch Trailer - Why We Run

Action First-Person Adventure

Reviews ( 1 )



7 Years ago

Massive fan of the original it was refreshing and new but Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a disappointment. The biggest problem is that it has gone open world and it needn't have. You have this big city to explore but it's dull and lifeless. The story is shallow and forgettable just like its characters. The combat is clunky and buggy. I'm a fan of the series but Mirror's Edge Catalyst is a Disappointment of the decade.

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