Games List

Red Dead Redemption (2024)

Action Adventure | PC

Game Info


Red Dead Redemption is an action-adventure game developed by Rockstar San Diego and published by Rockstar Games. A successor to Red Dead Revolver, it is the second game in the Red Dead series. Red Dead Redemption is set during the decline of the American frontier in the year 1911. It follows John Marston, a former outlaw who, after his wife and son are taken hostage by the government in ransom for his services as a hired gun, sets out to bring three members of his former gang to justice. The narrative explores themes of the cycle of violence, masculinity, redemption, and the American Dream.


Trailers & Videos

Red Dead Redemption Trailer

Action Adventure

Reviews ( 1 )



5 Months ago

Red Dead Redemption has a beautiful virtual world with an enormous amount of things to do, an exciting story and fantastic action. The game not only shows a world of the past, but also makes the player reflect the times we live in now. An exceptional achievement for a game.

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