Games List

Heart of Darkness (1998)

Platform Cinematic | PC

Game Info


Heart of Darkness is a cinematic platform video game developed by Amazing Studio and published by Atari, SA. Andy is a child who likes playing with his dog Whiskey, doesn't particularly enjoy going to school, and has a knack for inventing complicated gadgets. One day Andy and Whiskey are strolling through the park, when suddenly a solar eclipse darkens the sky, and after a moment Andy realizes that his dog has been taken away.

But science can solve everything, and Andy heads to his treehouse, which is home to his outstanding inventions, including a spaceship. Andy boards the ship and pilots it into the heart of the Darklands, a world controlled by the evil Master of Darkness. Andy takes out his gun and prepares to fight the evil sorcerer's minions. Nothing will stop the boy from rescuing his beloved dog!


Trailers & Videos

Heart of Darkness Trailer

Platform Cinematic

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