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Wolfenstein Youngblood (2019)

Shooter First-Person | PC

Game Info


Wolfenstein Youngblood is a first-person shooter developed by MachineGames and Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. A spin-off of the Wolfenstein series, Set in 1980, 19 years after BJ Blazkowicz ignited the second American Revolution in Wolfenstein II The New Colossus, BJ Blazkowicz has disappeared after a mission into Nazi-occupied Paris. Now, after years of training from their battle-hardened father, BJ’s twin daughters, Jess and Soph Blazkowicz, are forced into action and are on the path to fighting the Reich's war machines in alternate reality '80s Paris.


Trailers & Videos

Wolfenstein Youngblood Trailer

Shooter First-Person

Reviews ( 1 )



6 Years ago

Wolfenstein Youngblood disappoints because Wolfenstein 2 was much more than a Great shooting game. Wolfenstein Youngblood is not. Though there are enough moments where the fast gameplay impresses but the game disappoints in almost everything else. the gameplay is ruined by redundant leveling system and forced co-op, busted stealth gameplay, some aggravating boss fights and inadequate checkpoint saves. Frankly, I expected more from the Blazkowicz twins. But unfortunately they act and talk like they're mentally challenged.

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