
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit

2 Years ago

Driving in Need for Speed Hot Pursuit totally sucks. Cars feel like heavy vans or trucks, every turning makes them drift. Career mode is boring, near every race you get a new car, races are not satisfying. This game is repetitive to the point of boring. The physics sucks and the adjustments are non-existent. I can't emphasize enough what a waste of money it is. DON'T BUY THIS GAME.

Call of Duty Black Ops

2 Years ago

Call of Duty Black Ops is an awesome game with an incredible action-packed single-player campaign. Black Ops is one of the best first-person shooters this year and is a obviously must-have for any action fan. Intense, gory, and quite brilliant, maybe it's not refreshing but at the same time, it's a stunning game.

Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion

2 Years ago

The game plays like it was supposed to be a turn based strategy game, and that has already been done so much better in an older game. The trailers led me to believe there was some in depth storyline, but it's just a series of boring skirmishes that last too long. It looks nice visually but you will spend 98% of the time zoomed so far out that you never see any ships or fighting, just tiny icons. A waste of money


2 Years ago

With Bulletstorm we're talking about a shooter that makes fun of its own genre, and games as a whole. At the same time, it's extremely funny to play. That combo is just priceless.

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