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Dead Space 2 (2011)

Survival horror | PC

Game Info


Dead Space 2 is a science fiction survival horror video game developed by Visceral Games and published by Electronic Arts. 3 years after the events of Dead Space, Engineer Isaac Clarke awakens in the mental asylum on a once densely populated space station, built onto the last remaining shard of Saturn's largest moon Titan, with no memory of the past three years of his life, in the middle of new Necromorph outbreak. As he makes his way to remove the code from within his brain, that is slowly turning him insane, and destroy the new marker, Isaac comes across Ellie Langford, a CEC pilot who lost her crew during the outbreak, finally Isaac meets his equal.


Trailers & Videos

Dead Space 2 Trailer

Survival horror

Reviews ( 1 )



2 Years ago

Many horror games are able to deliver shocks during play, but none does it as well as Dead Space 2. Isaac's inner struggle in the tense setting of "Sprawl" provides an unforgettable atomsphere, making Dead Space 2 one of the most terrifying and unmissable horror games this generation and the benchmark for others to follow.

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