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No Man's Sky (2016)

Action Adventure Survival | PC

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No Man's Sky is an action-adventure survival video game developed and published by Hello Games. In No Man's Sky the player explores a vast, nearly-infinite universe. Starting out on one of over 18 quintillion planets, the player is first tasked with gathering the necessary materials to repair and launch their ship into space. From there, the game is entirely open ended, though the ultimate goal is to reach the center of the galaxy.

Along the way, players can mine for rare and valuable elements, catalog animal and plant life, search for ruins and alien artifacts, and converse and trade items and resources with several alien factions which inhabit the universe. They can also engage in piracy by destroying other ships. Players use the resources they earn from these activities to craft upgrades for their suit, ship, and multi-tools.


Trailers & Videos

No Man’s Sky Launch Trailer

Action Adventure Survival

Reviews ( 1 )



7 Years ago

This game is absolutely massive, and has a decent idea, unfortunately that's all that it has going for it. This game has quintillion planets randomly generated in the vastness of space. However having that huge amount of planets to explore is undoubtedly hard and useless. I got bored at the first planet I spawned on. It's very repetitive, the games crafting system is confusing, and this game will leave you with nothing to do after just a few hours into it. The game is boring and There is no story or direction to really follow, other than "go to the center of the galaxy"

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