Games List

The Evil Within (2014)

Survival horror | PC

Game Info


The Evil Within is a third-person survival horror video game developed by Tango Gameworks and published by Bethesda Softworks. While investigating the scene of a gruesome mass murder, Detective Sebastian Castellanos and his partners encounter a menacing and powerful force. After witnessing the slaughter of fellow officers, Sebastian is ambushed and knocked unconscious. When he awakens, he finds himself in a deranged world where hideous creatures wander among the dead. Facing unimaginable terror, and fighting for survival, Sebastian embarks on a daunting journey to unravel that which is behind this evil force.


Trailers & Videos

The Evil Within - Launch Trailer

Survival horror

Reviews ( 1 )



6 Years ago

Utterly bloody disgusting, nonsensical story, sloppy controls, characters aren't fun with little to no expressions. Bloody hard to win, They tried to create a badass villain but it backfired, it is not. Overall the game is more stressful than fun to play and leave more questions and plot holes than answers in the end. The only great thing are the graphics and the atmosphere, This could have been a truly great game should they have put more thought on it.

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