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Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion (2011)

Strategy Real-Time | PC

Game Info


Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion is a science fiction real-time strategy game developed by Ironclad Games and published by Stardock Entertainment. The time of Diplomacy is now over. The length of the war and differing opinions on what should be done to bring the war to an end has led to a splintering of the groups involved. The controlling powers that be have exhausted arsenals and seem to have spent all efforts of diplomacy. Trapped in a stalemate, sub factions have rebelled and split off from the main alignments. Rebellion is upon us.


Trailers & Videos

Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion Trailer

Strategy Real-Time

Reviews ( 1 )



2 Years ago

The game plays like it was supposed to be a turn based strategy game, and that has already been done so much better in an older game. The trailers led me to believe there was some in depth storyline, but it's just a series of boring skirmishes that last too long. It looks nice visually but you will spend 98% of the time zoomed so far out that you never see any ships or fighting, just tiny icons. A waste of money

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