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Ryse Son of Rome (2014)

Hack & slash Action Adventure | PC

Game Info


Ryse Son of Rome is a third-person action-adventure hack and slash video game developed by Crytek and published by Microsoft Studios. Set in an alternate version of Rome Embark on a journey of revenge, betrayal and divine intervention. Ryse Son of Rome tells the story of Marius Titus, a young Roman soldier who witnesses the murder of his family at the hands of barbarian bandits, then travels with the Roman army to Britannia to seek revenge. Quickly rising through the ranks, Marius must become a leader of men and defender of the Empire on his quest to exact vengeance – a destiny he soon discovers can only be fulfilled much closer to home.


Trailers & Videos

Ryse Son of Rome Launch Trailer

Hack & slash Action Adventure

Reviews ( 1 )



3 Years ago

This is without a doubt the most beautiful game ever made. And not only beautiful but detailed, animated, and presented. Everything is dynamic, the lighting is incredible, and level design and architecture are perfect works of art. Fantastic game, I loved it from start to end.

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