
Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight

2 Years ago

Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight developers tried to make a fast-paced game for a wide audience, but they failed miserably. For the fans of the classic Command & Conquer, this is an abomination. For the rest, it’s a worthless mediocrity with boring gameplay and lousy graphics. Command & Conquer 4 Tiberian Twilight is One of the least entertaining real-time strategy games in the past ten years.

Dragon Age Origins Awakening

2 Years ago

A great expansion to an already great RPG that shines from a varied enviroment design, more options and challenges and excellent characters. If you enjoyed Dragon Age Origins, I strongly suggest you buy Dragon Age Awakening.

Metro 2033

2 Years ago

Novel and videogame join to compose a very interesting proposal in the saturated first person action genre. At the end of the day, I thoroughly enjoyed Metro 2033 which was quite a unique first person shooter and proves that this genre can have a very good storyline, just like BioShock.

Assassin's Creed II

2 Years ago

Assassin’s Creed II is a worthy successor of one the most intriguing new franchises we have seen in a long time. Few games so deftly balance the contrasting qualities achieved here. It's at once both epic and intimate, earnest and lighthearted. The scale of it is truly magnificent, but often its largest and most moving moments come from the smallest and most carefully composed scenes.

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