
World War Zero

1 Year ago

I had such high hopes for this game, yearning to embrace it wholeheartedly, yet it falls short of expectations. The concept art, the captivating setting, and the innovative enemy designs are among the most imaginative creations I've encountered. Unfortunately, the gameplay and level design fail to measure up to the same standard.

Serious Sam 2

1 Year ago

An absolute blast in every respect! It looks and sounds fantastic, the action is virtually non-stop and the combination of varied level designs and scenery, masses of different enemies and usage of vehicles and turrets keeps things feeling fresh and interesting from start to finish.

Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood

1 Year ago

While Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood represents a potential evolution for the series, it unfortunately grapples with several gameplay issues and glitches that hinder its potential. Among these, notable flaws in the design become apparent, like the puzzling absence of abilities to go prone or vault over low walls and fences.

Empire Earth II

1 Year ago

Empire Earth II’s biggest problem is that it does not fully know what it wants to be. For those who want a real-time Civilization, it’s too simple, and for the friends of regular rts-games, the learning curve can be a bit too tough. and Games like this are the reason micromanagement is a four-letter word.

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