
Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown

5 Years ago

I loved Ace Combat Assault Horizon back in the day, so I figured I'd like this one, It's true that Ace Combat 7 Skies Unknown is absolutely gorgeous, and the music is awesome. But the missions and game itself lacks a lot. The game is not terrible, but far from the great game, Ace combat used to be. Some missions are more frustrating than enjoyable. and they could have done more to the campaign story flow... it somehow seems disjointed between mission and not as immersive compared to games of today. Overall i'm really disappointed.

Sekiro Shadows Die Twice

5 Years ago

This game is for expert gamers not for casual. At least add a difficulty setting, it's an ultra-hard game. This game is garbage!!! don't get me wrong I could beat it but I would have to be willing to die 500 kajillion times to do it no thanks no fun in that!!. Disappointment all around. Stay away from this game, it's unworthy of its accolades.

The Sinking City

5 Years ago

Confusing story line, unnecessarily long gameplay, confusing game mechanics. This game was a piece of garbage. You Start the Game with a boring Intro Seriously I got bored in the first misson of this game, the investigations are boring and tiresome and the worst the history is stupid, the only good thing that can hold you into the game they ruined. The graphics are bad, the acting is bad, everything is bad. Don't waste your time and money playing this. and please Don't Play this Game, even you wish to Torture yourself!

The Outer Worlds

5 Years ago

First I must ask. Are the people giving this a perfect 10/10 playing the same game? This game is far from perfect. In fact, it is far from even being a good game. I can't help the sense when playing this game that I was playing a fundamentally outdated product...Like this exact game could've been made ten years ago, and it might've been a decent game back then. RPG must have an interesting plot, characters, variability, and desirable interesting gameplay - The Outer Worlds not about that.

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