
The Darkness II

2 Years ago

The gameplay's extremely fun in the first half hour then it's just plain repetitive, you do the same thing, and even the levels seem identical. And the story's very diluted for a game whose gameplay isn't that engaging, sadly i rarely give up on a game without finishing it but after 3 hours i was plagued with boredom.

Assassin's Creed Revelations

2 Years ago

The last chapter of Ezio's trilogy is everything an Assassin's Creed fan could expect. Sure, there are still the classical flaws of the saga, like the lacking AI or the too low level of difficulty, but the beauty of Istanbul and the desire to see the end of such a charismatic character like Ezio will prevail on imperfections.

Dear Esther

2 Years ago

With no story or true narrative to latch onto, there's no reason for players to care about what's going on. And there's only one thing ever going on in Dear Esther: nothing. Broken up into individual pieces-the graphics, writing, and music clearly show talent and might have led to interesting stories or games-but together they form a dull, lifeless experience that's quickly forgotten.


2 Years ago

I enjoyed the game for what it was. A action packed, futuristic sci-fi FPS. Having not played any of the other Syndicate games I was not sure what to expect but I received a game that looked good, played well, had a compelling enough story to keep me interested and some challenging enough boss battles which provided me with an overall enjoyable experience.

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