
Alan Wake

2 Years ago

Alan Wake is something special that enriches the world of gaming. The alpha and the omega of the game is the chilling mood. A man from the city, unaccustomed to dangers and hazards, is asked to survive in the middle of nowhere, alone versus all. It is an exemplary drama and as such, the psychological pressure on the protagonist manages to affect us, as well. It's like living the whole thing, like actually being there.

Mass Effect 3

2 Years ago

Anyone who has invested any amount of time in the previous games will enjoy watching the final chapter of Shepard's tale unfold, and among the feelings of excitement and joy as they meet and fight alongside old friends for the fate of the galaxy, they will also feel heartbreak as they bid farewell to the colorful universe and memorable characters BioWare has created.

Risen 2 Dark Waters

2 Years ago

Risen 2 Dark Waters is another ambitious effort from developer Piranha Bytes, but once again it is dragged down by combat that doesn't really ever feel right, and it's kind of sad to see so much effort and talent go into their games when some of the fundamentals have been ignored for so many years.

Binary Domain

2 Years ago

I simply love the game. The story is amazing, the characters quite deep, and at the end there is a twist after twist, but they all kinda make sense. It's not a soulless western Hollywood style game where everything is just a great dull cliché of political correctness Binary Domain has a soul, and a big one!

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