
Dead Space 3

3 Years ago

Put simply, Dead Space 1 & 2 are stories that have embedded themselves in my thoughts and kept me thinking for literal years after the fact, whereas Dead Space 3 is just a game. It’s a letdown, to be sure, but it’s not a total waste of time.

DmC Devil May Cry

3 Years ago

I have to say that I am very disappointed. Despite the decent gameplay, the tone of the game, and the completely predictable, boring world and plot made this a bad experience. The graphics were pretty bad. Every single face looked more or less the same. the worst game I have ever played

Ace Combat Assault Horizon

3 Years ago

Ace Combat Assault Horizon is the best part of the Ace Combat series yet, particularly thanks to the Dogfights. Namco Bandai has showed that air combat games can be as thrilling and spectacular as first-person shooters. Every wargame fan should give the game a try, even those who have never tried a flight simulator game, for its great new gameplay features.

Far Cry 3

3 Years ago

Far Cry 3 offers a very good story and vast freedom of action and lets you dispose of enemies in various, often sophisticated ways. But there's more – tropical islands with their intriguing mysteries, superb acting, crafting, additional challenges, and broad possibilities of character development. This game is everything Far Cry 2 was supposed to be.

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