
Max Payne 3

2 Years ago

With Max Payne 3, Rockstar Games proves that the studio masters the action-type game in the most brilliant way, despite Max Payne 3 not being an open-world title. If there were no doubts about narration, the gameplay system also remains very atttractive thanks to the perfect introduction of the bullet time and the Shootdodge abilities, two strong aspects players are already familiar with. Rockstar Games offers a great experience, full of details, and depicts an amazing trip through Brazil and its favelas. A masterpiece at which Rockstar Games excels, introducing a tortured character whose adventures will surely give you the chills!

Uncharted 4 A Thief's End

2 Years ago

If Uncharted 4 A Thief's End played even half as good as it looked, it would be a masterpiece but it doesn’t. In fact, for all its splendor and all the obvious care taken towards making it look and sound as good as humanly possible, it makes one cardinal sin that’s impossible to forgive it’s downright boring to play. There are moments when it’s easy to get swept up the visual opulence and bombast, but then the moments pass, and it’s straight back to snarky comments and auto-climbing up mountainsides. too much climbing and watching drake almost fall of a ledge that gets comical, very tedious you spent hours In this game climbing ledges which is not fun or challenging.

Prototype 2

2 Years ago

Prototype 2 by Radical Entertainment is a decent open-world action game, that does not invent the wheel, but it does manage to offer solid amounts of entertainment, splattered with generous servings of blood and mayhem.

I Am Alive

2 Years ago

The end of the world has been portrayed in many ways, but no one has done in a way so grey and bland as I Am Alive. The concept itself is quite good, and at times it's really enjoyable to traverse the dusty town of Haventon, playing a psychological game with it's pesky inhabitants. Most times though, it simply is a clumsy and mediocre experience.

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