
Command & Conquer Red Alert 3

1 Year ago

This is the worst Command & Conquer game ever made! The graphics resemble cartoons, except for the water, which is well-done. The campaign, unfortunately, feels rather uninspiring. It's disheartening to see how they've veered off from the successful formula of the Red Alert series with this release. It feels like a waste of both time and money!

Call of Duty World at War

1 Year ago

Developer Treyarch did a fantastic job of not reinventing the wheel with Call of Duty World at War. Rather, they took the best elements of Modern Warfare and expanded upon them. The end product is a thrilling experience that injects some of the visceral punch back into World War II.

Dead Space

1 Year ago

Gruesome, visceral, engrossing, and stunning – these are just a few words that come to mind when trying to capture the essence of Dead Space, and not a single one of them leans towards negativity. EA has surpassed all expectations on both technical and mechanical fronts, propelling Dead Space from 'a game to watch' to 'one of the finest offerings of the year, if not the generation.' Challenge yourself to remain unimpressed; we dare you.

Crysis Warhead

1 Year ago

A different, wild trip on the same island, this history showing Sergeant Psycho Sykes makes Crysis Warhead not only a technical achievement, showing the best graphics on a PC yet, but a great example of fast-paced strategic action, making it a game that, more than a spin-off, can stand by its own.

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