
StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm

3 Years ago

While StarCraft II Heart of the Swarm definitely sets the groundwork for the next game, it doesn’t do it in a cheap way that leaves you frustrated and cursing at where the game decided to end. Kerrigan stole my heart and made me understand the Swarm. Now my eyes are focused on the Void.

BioShock Infinite

3 Years ago

Bioshock Infinite is a visionary piece of entertainment where the gameplay, characters, art style and story all come together to make what undoubtedly will be considered one of the best games of this generation. Like it's ancestor, Bioshock Infinite should be in the hall of fame of videogames.

Sniper Ghost Warrior 2

3 Years ago

A dumb shooter that feels like a rubbish stealth section dragged out across the length of an entire game. Please avoid Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 at all costs it will destroy your mental balance with a single shot.

Aliens Colonial Marines

3 Years ago

Aliens Colonial Marines is more than a disappointment. It's downright depressing. I can't say if it's the result of a lacking budget, rushed development, or sheer carelessness, but having the nerve to present this as a full retail game is inexcusable. It's simply not finished, and it certainly isn't worthy of being considered a legitimate followup to Aliens.

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