
Mafia II

2 Years ago

This is one of the best launches of the year. It is ambitious in its presentation, the script immerses us in the life of a gangster from the very beginning, and the missions are hardly repetitive there is always an unexpected twist or a new situation which tests our abilities. Mafia II is exactly the sequel Mafia fans have been waiting all these years for.

Kane & Lynch 2 Dog Days

2 Years ago

You´ll either love it or hate it but there are things about Kane & Lynch 2 that won´t make you forget it. The graphics are refreshingly unique, the characters shine like dark diamonds out of the mass of your-average-videogame-hero and the story will shock you.

StarCraft II Wings of Liberty

2 Years ago

StarCraft II Wings of Liberty is a wonderful game, both as a story-telling experience and a strategically deep and tactically challenging game. The single-player campaign is deeply satisfying to complete.

Fallout New Vegas

2 Years ago

Boring That is the only thing I can think about this game when I play it. Its combat is slow and clunky, its missions are uninspired, and you'll find yourself spending 80% of your time wandering the wasteland doing nothing. I loved Fallout 3, but Fallout New Vegas just seems old, dated, slow, and boring. I played it for a week then had no desire to play again. Such a shame.

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