

1 Year ago

All together, Legendary had a decent idea behind it that's been marred by some poor design decisions. Shooting and controls feel ok, but everything you shoot at, interact with, or run through is lackluster, broken, or just plain boring.

Left 4 Dead

1 Year ago

Every aspect of Left 4 Dead has been refined and tweaked to perfection. It’s addictive and atmospheric, and it contains undoubtedly the best gameplay we’ve seen yet.

Far Cry 2

1 Year ago

Some games grow on you the more you play them, as you get used to the little idiosyncrasies and learn to appreciate the finer points. Far Cry 2 is at the opposite end of the spectrum, a game that makes it harder and harder for you to like it by placing more and more junk between you and its best features.

Fallout 3

1 Year ago

Fallout 3 is a monumental, captivating, and emotionally-charged gaming experience. It seamlessly combines elements of awe, fear, and amusement, resulting in an unforgettable journey. This masterpiece stands as a testament to the medium, deserving a place in the collection of every gamer. It's a must-play that offers an exceptional adventure.

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